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       Come and help us celebrate ‘Andrzejki’ on 30 November.

In Poland, during the long, chilly night in November, Polish people get together for Andrzejki, the eve of St. Andrew’s Day. Traditionally, it’s a night of magic, spirituality, mischief, fortune-telling, mysticism and surprises.


For centuries, this day has been significant, especially for young unmarried women, as it was believed that Saint Andrew would provide information about their future husband.


Many traditional games were played throughout the evening in attempt to find out who might be a young girl’s future husband.


The evening kicks off at 6.00pm. Music by Szczepan from Sydney. Dancing, food and champagne. Canberra's Folkloric Dance Group 'Wielkopolska' will perform.


                            Come for a fun night!​

             The ticket price includes dinner.​

Live & Local at 'The Polo' & Upcoming Events


The Polish White Eagle Club is one Canberra’s favourite live music venues and is fully licensed by the Australian Performing Rights Association.


The venue has played a long standing role in the ACT’s budding live music scene over decades, as well as hosting interstate and overseas performers.


Dirty Deeds operates 'Live at the Polo' and for more than 10 years has hosted most of Canberra's emerging contemporary music acts at the White Eagle Club.


See below for scheduled events; otherwise, follow our Facebook page - 'Polish White Eagle Club'.


Musicians and performers wishing to enquire about availability, services and hire tariffs, contact 'Live at The Polo' on Facebook or call 0407 213 825.


Late Spring Euro Bonanza


Come and celebrate with the Polish Club on
18 November 2023 from 11am for a fun-filled afternoon of delicious Polish food & drink, art & craft, and merchant stalls, Polish folk-dancing and more. It's all part of our 50th year celebrations. Our neighbours at the Croatian Club are in on the fun too, with great stalls, food and much more!!!

Tango Social Club of Canberra (TSCC)


El Boliche is on each Monday night except on Public Holidays or announced cancellations, at the White Eagle Club, 38 David Street Turner. Check TSCC calendar for
updates at: 'Tango Social Club of Canberra'




Jumptown Swing


Tuesday and Wednesday evenings are Jumptown Swing nights, offering lessons for beginners and intermediates. The Club also hosts events as part of the annual Canberran Festival. To find out more about what’s happening in the local world of swing around the Canberra region,
click here
: 'Jumptown Swing'.

Pierogi & Pint

…now every Wednesday 6:00 - 8:30pm!


One of the inner north’s hidden gems, the Pierogi & Pint specials night is for Canberrans who want to dumpling bliss Polish-style, washed down with a rotating selection of fine ales, pilsners, dark beers and other amber delights from Poland and the Baltic region. The ambience is simply second to none. Bookings advisable as things can get busy.


Polish Food Market


The Polish food market and continental deli is held in the main hall of the Club every second Saturday. Krakus Lawson Bros, one of the biggest Polish smallgoods manufacturers in Australia, delivers and sells an extensive range of traditional Polish style smallgoods. 


The next food markets held at the Club are on the following days:


Saturday  23 November   10.30 to 1.30 

Saturday  07 December    10.30 to 1.30

Saturday  21 December    10.30 to 1.30

​For pre-orders & product range visit Krakus Lawson Bros or contact them on:​ 02 9607 5394 or email:

Polish Girl & Boy Scouts

         Reunion 2023


After more than 50 years the Canberra Polish scouting groups (Harcerki and Harcerze) held a reunion at the White Eagle Club on 7 October. It was a great opportunity to catch up and reminisce around the camp fire. Singing old scouting songs was a highlight. Polo Restaurant catered a traditional Polish buffet. 




Magical Autumn Dance

          4 May 2024


The White Eagle Club together with the Polish Art & Craft Group organised a Autumn dance on 4 May.  With over 100 members and guests attending it was a magical evening. Szczepan & Marichu from Sydney provided lively music and Wielkopolska dancers entertained guests with traditional Polish folk dances. The Polo Restaurant served a delicious buffet of pierogi, bigos and other delicacies. The dance was a great opportunity for members and friends to get together and enjoy some real Polish hospitality. The Polish Art& Craft Group decorated the hall in Autumn flowers and colours, with all volunteers doing a fantastic job to make the dance a great success. Members are already asking when is the next "Zabawa"?




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©2019 by White Eagle Polish Club. Proudly powered by Insight Development Services

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